Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What's The Definition Of Telamon?

The user - Telamon on ROBLOX has been a creative director since 2006. Many users have asked what it means, which is in association with greek things.

Telamon, in Greek myth, king of the island of Salamis, son of Aeacus (king of Aegina) and Endēis, brother of Peleus, and father of (the greater) Ajax and Teucer. He and Peleus killed their half-brother Phocus (whose mother was the Nereid Psamanthē), perhaps at the instigation of Endeis. As a consequence Aeacus exiled them, Telamon going to Salamis. There he married Glaucē, daughter of the king, and inherited the throne. After Glauce's death Telamon married Eriboea (or Periboea) by whom he became the father of (the greater) Ajax. He was one of the Argonauts, and joined in the Calydonian boar-hunt (see MELEAGER). He helped Heracles in an early sack of Troy (see LAOMEDON), and Heracles gave him Laomedon's daughter Hesionē as concubine. Heracles' prayer that Telamon and Eriboea would have a brave son was shown to have been answered by the appearance of an eagle (Gk. aietos) sent by Zeus, after which the baby was named Ajax (Gk. Aias). Hesione also bore Telamon a son, Teucer. Telamon's death is variously narrated. He is usually said to have died at Salamis after banishing Teucer for failing to prevent Ajax' death.

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